Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tech Hui 07 Report

On 23rd May 2007, the Wellington College Tech Crew hosted the Regional Tech Support Hui for the second year running. Students from over 20 schools attended and were given the opportunity to give presentations to their peers.

The keynote speaker of the Hui was Mr Bill Day, CEO of Seaworks Ltd. Mr Day delivered an inspirational speech on how to find the drive to do what you want to do and enjoy it at the same time.

Other Speakers Included:
  • Former Tech Angels, Rachel Hydes and Kelly Cheeseman who spoke about the courses they are attending at university. Both are studying towards a Bachelor of Design at Massey University and Victoria University, respectively. These two outstanding young women were able to provide insight into their courses at the two Wellington Universities.

  • Mr. Martin Langhoff, a programmer at Catalyst IT spoke at length about the world of Open Source programming. Martin has worked in multiple projects associated with education including working with Moodle and cheap laptops for third world countries.

  • Sidhe Interactive, New Zealand’s most successful gaming company, kindly allowed us to have some time with Jeremy Burgess who is a part of their coding team. Jeremy took the audience on a tour of positions available in the computer gaming employment market and what one could expect on finding a job there, apparently a difficult thing to do.

  • The audience was also enlightened with humour from Kyle and Dylan who described how technology has improved learning for those with visual impairment.

We would like to thank the speakers, and everyone who attended the Tech Hui in 2007. We hope you left the Hui as inspired and motivated as us. We look forward to seeing you in 2008.

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